Edit data points

Click on a data point in the data point list to display further information about it. Most of them can also be changed. Data points of different device types can have different setting options.


Don’t forget to save your changes by clicking Save at the top right in the toolbar.


Changes that you make to data points in the Data Points and Filters tab are not written to the controller. They only affect the display of the data point within the Avelon control system. Note that changes are overwritten if necessary when the data points are synced with the controller again.




The human-readable name of the data point. It is displayed everywhere where your data point is used.

System Name

The systematic name of the data point that uniquely identifies it in the entire project. This is also known as the plant identification code and usually contains encoded information about the data point’s location, type and usage and must be unique.

Last Value

If available, the last known value of the data point is displayed here.

If the data point is writable and you have the appropriate rights, you can also manually enter a new value by clicking on Add Measurement. When adding a value to an energy data point manually, a basic check is performed to ensure the plausibility of the new value. For data points representing energy meters, the new value must be within ∓10% of the linear extrapolation of all previous measurements. For data points representing energy consumption, the new value must be within ∓10% of the average of all previous measurements. If the new value lies outside of this range, a warning will be displayed. The warning should prevent you from entering wrong values, but it can be ignored if you are sure that the entered value is correct.


Data Type

The type of the data point or the recorded measured variable.


The bus-specific type of the referenced bus object.

Bus Address

The bus-specific address of the referenced bus object.


Display in data point sidebar

This data point is displayed in the data point sidebar and can therefore be used in widgets. Data points that are displayed in the data point sidebar are counted against the quota of licensed data points.

Display on map widget and on the public web app

When you click the device on the map widget, the live value of that data point is displayed in the sidebar that is then shown, and you can view its latest recorded values there directly. For IoT devices, the data point is also displayed on the public web app when you scan the QR code of the device on a smartphone if the option “Make my IoT sensor publicly accessible” is enabled on the device itself.

Display in Avelon Meters

This data point will be displayed in the Avelon Meters app.

Default Unit

The unit in which measurements are processed by the bus object.

Display Unit

The unit in which measurements are displayed.

Decimal Places

The number of decimal places to be displayed when displaying live values. This figure has no effect on the accuracy of any calculations.


Assign a data point profile to the data point if you want to map values of the data point to specific strings. The individual entries of the mapping are displayed below the dropdown under Data Point States. For more information, please read the section Data point profiles below.

The name of the assigned profile will also be displayed in the Profile column on the data point list. A data point profile can be assigned to multiple data points simultaneously.

Data point profiles

Data point profiles allow you to define a mapping between numeric values of a data point and a textual representation that should be displayed to the user. Whenever the current value of a data point matches one of the values in the profile, its textual representation will be displayed instead.


The feature is only supported for data points with no unit.

To manage your data point profiles, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Manage Data Point Profiles next to the Profile dropdown.

  2. In the following dialog, all existing profiles are listed on the left. If you select a profile, its details will be displayed on the right.

  3. Add a profile by clicking on Add, enter a name for it and add as many states as you need by clicking on Add State and enter the text corresponding to each of them.

  4. Click on Close to close the dialog.

  5. Assign the new profile to the data point by selecting it from the Profile dropdown.


Consider data point when determining state of manual mode

Deactivate this option if you do not want the manual mode state of this data point to be displayed on the schematic.

Ignore missing measurements when calculating data points

When calculating data points, the values of all input data points must be available in the calculation period. If measurements are missing for some data points in the calculation period, the calculation will fail and no output values will be calculated.

If you want the system to assume missing measurements as null values (0) in your calculations, you can enable these options. The first checkbox will force the system to use the value 0 in any calculation that is performed before the first measurement of this data point. Conversely, the second checkbox will force the system to use the value 0 in any calculation that is performed after the last measurement of this data point.

With these options enabled, the calculation will always generate an output value, even if some data points don’t have values for a specific aggregation interval. Note that the result might not always be as expected, though. In particular, using 0 values in calculations involving multiplications or divisions might lead to undesired side effects.

Measurement Type

For water and electricity meters, you can speficy the type of the measurements, i.e. whether the values are provided as raw Meter values or as a Consumption. This setting can help Avelon improve the workflow when working with meters, for example it can automatically configure the plot settings when a meter is placed on a chart.

Minimum and Maximum Write Values for Schematic

The minimum and maximum accepted values for that specific data point. This option is valid only for writable data points assigned to Modbus holding registers and prevents accidental modifications of data point values. The minimum and maximum values are set by the system administrator and cannot be overwritten in the Avelon control system by another user, unless they have the necessary rights. However, the limits are checked only if the values are changed via the schematic in the Avelon control system. It is still possible to write values that exceed these limits if they are written via the controller directly.

For information about the pulse valence on counter data points of Binary 10/4 devices, please see Set up pulse valence on counters.


Various device types

Suppress alarm

If this option is enabled, every ticket created for this data point will be closed at once automatically. There is neither an escalation of the alarm chain nor a notification of the users, but the ticket is still visible in the ticket list.



All alarms are listed here in which this data point is contained. If you remove alarms from this list or add a new alarm, the data point is added to or removed from the selected alarm accordingly. For information on how to configure alarms, see Alerting.


Define an upper and/or lower alarm limit value and select the alarm chain to be invoked in the event of an alarm. With the value Deadband for gone alarms relative to the limits, you can also set the difference relative to the alarm limit value as of which any alarm that occurs should automatically be marked as “gone” by the system.

CO₂ sensor calibration

With firmware 3.2.20 and above, Wisely performs an automatic baseline correction (ABC) every 14 days. The lowest CO₂ sample taken over the last 14 days is stored and it is assumed that this low value is equal to 400 ppm, so subsequent measurements are shifted accordingly. You can also trigger a manual calibration of the CO₂ sensor after you have moved the device to a new location. On the data point page of the CO₂ data point, scroll down to CO₂ Sensor Calibration, select Perform Automatic Baseline Correction from the dropdown and click Execute. The process might take a while and will be completed when the device sends an acknowledgment during the next regular data transmission, or if you manually press the reset button on the device. If you select the option Reset to Factory Calibration and press Execute, the calibration will be reset to the factory setting.


The data points which measure the electrical resistance, and thus a possible presence of water, can be configured with an alarm. Either select the appropriate water type so that the expected electrical resistance is entered automatically, or enter the value of the electrical resistance directly yourself. Then select the alarm chain to be invoked in the event of an alarm. Under Delay before alarm or a device acknowledgement is triggered, you can define how long the alarm or acknowledgement state should be present before an alarm or acknowledgement is actually invoked. With the value Deadband for gone alarms relative to the limits, you can also set the difference relative to the alarm limit value as of which any alarm that occurs should automatically be marked as “gone” by the system. The option Send device acknowledgement when alarm has gone allows the system to acknowledge an alarm ticket automatically as soon as the alarm is no longer pending.




Here all recordings are listed in which this data point is contained. When you remove recordings from this list or add a new recording, the data point is added to or removed from the selected recording accordingly. For information on how to configure recordings, see Measurement recordings.

Wisely and LeakSense

As of firmware 3.1

Record Periodically

Activate this option to record measurements of this data point periodically.

Measurement Period

The measuring period is set as a multiple of the sampling period. The sampling period itself can be changed on the device page under Configuration and applies to all data points of the device.

Alarm instruction

In this section, define an alarm instruction that explains to the recipient of an alarm how to handle the alarm and what the next work steps are. The alarm instruction is then displayed in the ticket list, both on the ticket list widget and in Avelon Heads-up!.

The alarm instruction can consist either of pure text, which can be displayed directly in the corresponding ticket, or of a document. However, the latter cannot be displayed directly in the ticket and must first be opened by the recipient on the target device (computer, tablet or mobile phone). A generally readable file format such as PDF is recommended.

Alarm instructions can only use documents from the document management. If you have not yet uploaded the document to Avelon Cloud, first upload it using the document management system (see Documents).


This section shows where the data point is used throughout the system.


Provide additional information about the data point.

These notes will also be displayed in the Properties sidebars when you select a data point in calculated data points or on the meter network, and it can help document and track changes in a building due to retrofitting etc.


To assign a data point tag to one ore multiple data points, click on Add Data Point Tag and select the appropriate data point tag.

To remove an assigned data point tag, click on Remove.

To edit the list of available data point tags, go back to the data point list and follow the instructions under Data point tags.

Alarm status of all involved data points

If the alarm was raised by a BACnet data point, the corresponding data point and its current alarm status are shown in the table.

If the alarm was raised by a data point that is part of a collective alarm (i.e. an alerting of type Filtered intrinsic alarm), all data points of this collective alarm and their current alarm status are listed in the table, and the data point of the collective alarm and its alarm status are displayed below the table.

You can navigate to the details of any data point by hovering over it and clicking on Go to Data Point.

Synchronize data points

If, for some reason, the status of the collective alarm data point doesn’t reflect the status of the individual data points, you can click the Synchronize button. This will check all the displayed data points, and for any data point that is no longer in an alarm state, the system will issue a “Gone” event.

Edit multiple data points

It is also possible to edit multiple data points simultaneously. To do this, select the data points in the data point list that you want to edit simultaneously by clicking on the respective selection boxes on the left.


Then click on Edit Data Point at the top right in the toolbar to edit all selected data points simultaneously.

The view differs from the editor for individual data points. If the selected data points have different values for a certain property, this is displayed accordingly. When you change a property, the new value is applied to all selected data points. In principle, however, only the properties that you actually change are saved.

To return to the data point list, click on Back to Data Point List at the top right in the toolbar.