Log in with your user name or email address and password. If you do not yet have an Avelon user account, ask your administrator to create one. New clients can set up their first user account during the activation process for their first device.
By default, users are automatically logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity. If you want to stay logged in for longer, select Stay Logged In on the login screen.
If you have forgotten your user account password, you can reset it by clicking on Forgot Password?.
Structure of the work area
Avelon’s user interface is divided into several areas, each of which fulfills different functions. The individual areas are briefly described below.

Main bar

Action bar

Work area
- Main bar
The main bar at the top of the screen contains general functions for navigation and configuration of the portal and is available everywhere. The color of the bar adapts to the current module.
- Switch navigation
See Navigation
- Client selection
(only available if mandates exist)
- Notifications
Shows a list of current alarms and events.
- User menu
- Users
Administration of user accounts, access rights, contact data and alarm chains. See User management
- Devices
Management of devices and data points. See Device management
- Documents
Management of folders and files. See Documents
- Shop
On Avelon Cloud, you can purchase additional devices or upgrade licenses through our web shop.
- Name and profile picture
Edit your own user account and contact details.
- Help
This user manual.
- Settings
General client account settings. See Settings
- Download apps
Download additional programs. See Avelon Apps
- System information
Displays the current software version and gives you access to the latest release notes.
- Log out
Log out and return to the login screen.
- Action bar
The action bar contains context-sensitive functions, view options, or control elements that are specific to the current view. Some views or dialog boxes also have their own action bar. You will encounter the following buttons more frequently:
Save changes
Undo all unsaved changes
Unlock editing (enter edit mode)
Quit editing
Lock editing (leave edit mode)
Create a new object
Delete the selected object
Go back to the previous view
Show more options and functions
Save and reset
In most views, changes must be saved by clicking the Save icon at the top right in the action bar. The icon is highlighted in blue when you make changes. To discard changes, click the Reset icon.

Save and reset
Edit mode
On the dashboard and widgets, you usually need to switch to Edit Mode by clicking Edit at the top right in the dashboard if you want to make changes. Otherwise, the view is locked for changes. You can tell whether you are in Edit Mode by the orange band that appears below the main or action bar.

Main bar in edit mode