

Client Name

The name that uniquely identifies the client within the Avelon user interface. It is usually displayed at the top in the main bar. The name is also used to switch back and forth between multiple clients if a user can access the schematics of various different clients.


The currency used for billing. All invoices to the client are generated in the selected currency. If different currencies are required for different settlements, a separate client account must be opened.


If the option Enforce Two-Factor Authentication is disabled, users can decide for themselves whether or not they want to use two-factor authentication, and they can enable or disable it in their own user account at any time. If they opt in, they have to link a mobile device to their user account and provide an additional security code from an authenticator app every time they log in. If the option Enforce Two-Factor Authentication is enabled, however, all users of this client will be asked to configure two-factor authentication on their next login, and they will not be able to log in otherwise.


Please note that our companion apps will not work with two-factor authentication at the moment.


Show Breadcrumbs

When this option is enabled, the dashboard title bar displays the entire path from the main group to the currently selected group, such as “Company ▸ Real Estate ▸ Building ▸ Facility”. Otherwise, only the name of the currently selected group is displayed.

Breadcrumb Separator

If the Show Breadcrumbs option is selected, this separator is displayed between the individual navigation levels of the path.

Map layers

Enable Maps

Disable this option if you don’t want to use maps on your dashboards or on the group navigation, either because you don’t need them, or because your in-house server doesn’t have access to the Internet.

Set Default Layer

Here you can specify which map style you want to use by default for map navigation. The style can also be changed directly on the map navigation, but it is reset to the style pre-configured here with every log in.

Map API Key

By default, only the Standard map style is enabled. To be able to use the other styles, you need an API key. You can purchase this from the external map service via Acquire an API key. This service is billed directly by the third-party provider. Then enter the key in the Map API Key field.

Public API

If you’ve purchased a license to access our public API from your own client applications, you can use these credentials to authenticate via OAuth.

Client ID

OAuth client ID of your client account.

Client Secret

OAuth client secret of your client account.

The public API is documented here.