Measurement chart
The chart type Measurement chart allows you to display recorded measurement values over time. It is therefore suitable for temperature profiles, load profiles or other continuously recorded data.
Although aggregation functions (e.g. monthly average) can be assigned to the individual plots, the x-axis remains a continuous timeline at all times. If you only want to compare aggregated plots, you can use the chart type Chart with Aggregation Function. In contrast to the measurement chart, its y-axis does not represent a continuous timeline, but a sequence of discrete time intervals (days, months, etc.) that typically correspond to the aggregation interval.
A measurement chart with three measurement value curves
To set up a simple measurement chart, proceed as follows:
Drag a data point from the data point gallery to the empty space below the Plots heading.
The new plot is selected automatically, allowing you to configure it. For example, change the color or the primary data function.
If recordings are available for the data point, a preview of the recorded measurement values will be displayed at the top.
You can repeat the second step as often as you like.
Advanced chart settings
The measurement chart is the only chart type which allows event or alarm tickets of data points to be displayed. To do this, go to Chart settings and enable the corresponding options in the Show tickets section.
Markers are then displayed at the upper edge of the chart representing the times at which corresponding events occurred. Move your mouse over these to see more information.
For information on calculating consumption, see section Consumption.