BACnet clarification for date entries

Addendum ac to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2008 restricts and clarifies what is allowed in the format of calendar entries for single dates and range of date formats in the Calendar object and the exception schedule.

For a Date entry in a Calendar object or exception schedule, the entry can be either a specific date or a date pattern:

  • A specific date has all fields filled with specific values, and the Day of Week should also have a specific value.

  • Some of the fields of a date pattern may contain an any wildcard.

For a Date Range entry in a Calendar object or exception schedule, the new rules restrict each part (start date and end date) to be one of the following:

  • a fully specified date (all fields are defined)

  • a completely unspecified date (all fields contain an any wildcard)


No partial wildcard fields for start date or end date are allowed in order to eliminate cases that could not be clearly interpreted and implemented.