Remote resources

Remote resources are IP-based services in the remote network that you can access via the Beetle from your local network via VPN.


Edit a remote resource

Switch to the Resources tab to view all defined resources. Use the icons at the bottom right to add, edit and remove individual resources.


Any name that uniquely identifies the remote resource in the list, such as “NAS” or “Remote Desktop”.

IP address

The IP address at which the resource can be reached within the remote network.


The service running on the specified resource. Making a selection automatically sets the corresponding port that is usually used for the service.


The port on which the resource can be reached within the remote network.

If you are connected to the Beetle, you can call up the remote resource simply by double-clicking on the corresponding entry in the list. By default, the resources are opened in the default browser of your computer. However, you can use the IP and port of the resource in any application you desire.