Meter details

The detailed view of a meter shows the following information:

  • Meter name

  • System name

  • Last entered value

  • The date and time of the last entered value

  • The synchronization status of the meter with Avelon Cloud

  • The history of the previously entered values


Add new reading

To add a new reading, tap on the Add Reading button. Enter the value and click on Add. If the new value is smaller than the previous or if it’s higher by at least 10%, a warning will be displayed, asking you to confirm the new value. The newly added value will become the last reading.

../../../_images/add-reading1.webp ../../../_images/warning1.webp

If the device is connected to the Internet, new values are synchronized with the server immediately. Otherwise, an orange banner will be displayed below the value, and an orange icon will indicate that the synchronization is pending.



On the meters list, meters for which new readings are added on the current day and that are synchronized with Avelon are colored in green. If synchronization is still pending, they will be colored in light orange and will turn green as soon as synchronization is complete. Meters for which new readings have not been added on the current day will be displayed in white.

Tap Back at the top left to return to the meters list.